Supporting BDS and Palestinian rights as a Jew

An open and frank debate about BDS against Israel in Australia is long overdue. Crikey blog This Blog Harms invited five people to write 1000 words on the issue. This is my contribution: The logic of… boycott, divestment and sanctions… (BDS) didn’t appear to me immediately. When my first book,… My Israel Question, was released in 2006, the…

What BDS is doing to Zionist minds

American blogger Richard Silverstein offers… a revealing snap-shot of how the Israeli government and its US army are fighting BDS in the heart of Brooklyn. Smell the fear (not about never-ending apartheid in the West Bank but endlessly bad PR for Zionism).

When former IDF prison guards even realise Zionist apartheid is here

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg is a little worried that his beloved Jewish state has an apartheid problem: I think we’re only a few years away, at most, from a total South-Africanization of this issue. And if Israelis believe that the vast majority of American Jews — their most important supporters in the entire world —…

Fresh air emerges within toxic US debate over Israel/Palestine

Cracks, very small cracks, are starting to appear in the age-old blindness towards Israeli apartheid. Why? Because a mute person knows that indefinite Zionist occupation of Palestinian land is bad for Palestinians, awful for Israelis and madness for America and the world (via Politico): Two of the Democratic Party’s core institutions are challenging a bipartisan…

Haaretz editor sees Israeli apartheid here to stay

Leading boycott, divestment and sanctions advocate (BDS) Omar Barghouti introduces this important piece: Nothing new. BUT it comes from the publisher of one of Israel’s most influential newspaper. Other prominent Israelis from within the establishment (and the Israeli media is most certainly part of the establishment, by any objective standard) have used the term apartheid…

Zionist fanatics embrace Glenn Beck, Mr. 1939 is here (again)

What has happened to my people? One of America’s most prominent Jewish groups – they embrace settlements, racism inside Israel and Palestine, no criticism of Zionism and never-ending occupation – brazenly invites former Murdoch favourite hack, Glenn Beck, to rally the troops and talk about preparing for the apocalypse. Zionism 2011 (via JTA): The Zionist…

When BDS became the necessary default position for human rights

One day, and soon, this message will move from the alternative world to the mainstream and anybody defending Israeli behaviour will be shunned as extreme and bigoted: Professor Norman Finkelstein stormed UK campuses in the week to November 11, lecturing to packed auditoriums in London, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham on How to solve the…

New Australian poll shows support for Palestine growing

The following press release was issued yesterday: Three in five Australians believe the United Nations should now recognise Palestine as one of its member States according to a poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Pty Ltd. The results are part of an independent national poll done by the respected Roy Morgan Research company. “This is…

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