Jews have a choice over Palestine and silence equals complicity

Roger Cohen has been writing in the New York Times for some time about the responsibility of Jews not to remain silent in the face of Zionist occupation and violence. It’s a rare voice in the American mainstream. His latest missive, while dismissing boycotts as apparently morphing into anti-Semitism which ignores the failure of the…

Liberal Zionists struggle with brutal Israeli realities

Some, like editors of the Australian Jewish News, simply don’t see themselves as liberal at all and prefer to blindly back Israeli policies because they perceive their role as Diaspora Jews to be robots without thought. That’s what Zionism has done to my people. Witness a recent editorial on BDS: The hostile mob arrayed outside…

How to really end the Zionist occupation of Palestine?

Jerry Haber, an Orthodox Jew, writes: For some time I have had a dream about a community, a coalition, a big tent that includes within it all those constituencies who cry out to end the occupation now. Yes, I know, there already is a US Campaign to End the Occupation, and they do good work.…

Don’t be seduced by Israeli car company’s occupation friendly stance

Better Place is an Israeli company, with an Australian office, that is delivering electric cars for an enviro-friendly future. Sounds nice in theory but in reality the company, as I have written for a while, operates in the occupied West Bank and should therefore be shunned. Yet anther mainstream story, this time in the Guardian,…

How can we get young Jews to hate Arabs in only 10 days?

Send them on the Birthright trip. Here’s an interesting feature in the Nation on the countless number of Jews who are sent on a short propaganda trip to Israel in an attempt to convince them that Arabs are terrorists and the occupied Palestinian territories are in fact Zionist land: Birthright’s boosters seem strangely unaware of…

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