Ongoing importance of separating Zionism and Judaism

The following interview by Sam Whiteley appears in today’s West Australian: Freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein is no stranger to controversy. “The silence is over,” says Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question which generated a swell of public debate and was shortlisted for the 2007 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish…

Israel should be given the South African treatment

My following article is written with Australians for Palestine co-founder Moammar Mashni and published in Online Opinion: “I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, the description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be a description of what is happening in South…

What Israeli left?

Many in the West, including the Zionist Diaspora, talk about the Israeli Left as bravely challenging Israel’s descent into a fascist nation. Hugh Naylor writes in The National that this is a convenient myth: Left-leaning Jewish groups in the United States defied the pro-Israel lobby and criticised the US veto last week of a UN…

TehelkaTV interview on Israel/Palestine and changing Jewish views

During my recent appearance at the Jaipur Literature Festival in India I was interviewed by TehelkaTV, one of the country’s leading current affairs magazines (my recent article with them about the Egyptian uprising is here). We talked about the Middle East, why the Tunisian revolution would spread and the rise of dissenting Jewish voices:

PressTV interview on Australian aid to the Middle East

Why is it acceptable for Australians to donate money (and receive tax deductions) to illegal settlements in the West Bank but the Australian government isn’t able to openly provide aid to citizens living under the rule of Hamas and Hizbollah? The corruption of international aid by politics. Here’s an interesting report on PressTV and my…

What the West fears is true independence in the Arab world

The following article by Kate Ausburn appears in Green Left Weekly: Popular uprisings in the Arab world have challenged a political landscape dominated by undemocratic regimes and fronted by dictators, a panel of academics and journalists said at a Sydney University forum on February 15. Speakers discussed the regional and international ramifications of the uprisings…

The day Peres met McEwan

While British writer Ian McEwan visits Israel and receives the Jerusalem Prize – despite BDS activists calling him to refuse due to mingling with a pro-settler, Zionist establishment – Jews Sans Frontieres has exclusive access to the conversation between McEwan and Israeli President Shimon Peres: Ian McEwan: Nice meeting you, Mr. President. Shimon Peres: Oh…

With US veto, Washington clearly wants end to Jewish state

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on the Obama administration’s disastrous decision last week: The first veto cast by the United States during Obama’s term, a veto he promised in vain not to use as his predecessors did, was a veto against the chance and promise of change, a veto against hope. This is a veto that…

How will the PA help Israel repress Palestinians?

The Palestinian non-violent movement is gathering in strength every day. Yet now we read in the Jerusalem Post – a pro-colonisation paper – that Israel worries the Egyptian uprisings may come to the West Bank. Concerned by the prospect of the Palestinians replicating Egypt-style mass demonstrations with dozens of simultaneous marches and protests in the…

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