While Zionist settlers thrive, Netanyahu talks about Arab "threat"

Welcome to “democratic” Israel. Last night here in Sydney distinguished international lawyer and UN expert Richard Falk explained how growing numbers of people globally are recognising the justice of the Palestinian cause and Israel’s continued belligerence. But we still a way away from holding the Jewish state to account. Here are two stories that highlight…

Calling US Middle East "peace process" the farce that it is

Great piece by Bill Van Esveld, a Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch based in Jerusalem, published in The Hill: Twenty years ago, Israeli and Palestinian leaders signed the Oslo accords on the White House lawn, opening the “peace process” that the US is trying to reinvigorate. Yet the Obama administration has failed to…

The eternal paradox at the heart of Zionism

The always insightful Israeli historian Ilan Pappe … (who endorsed my first book, My Israel Question) on where to from here for Israel and Palestine: The recent attempt to revive the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians is not likely to produce more meaningful results than that of any of the previous attempts. It comes…

Imagining a different Israel, one less abuse at a time

A stunning piece by Gideon Levy in Haaretz that imagines a Jewish state that completely challenges its history and institutional racism: In my dream I see Benjamin Netanyahu giving the speech of his life, which is the speech of our lives: thanking Secretary of State John Kerry for his efforts and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas…

What is the EU now saying about illegal Zionist colonies

It’s a small step, far too little, but a significant symbolic move. Noam Sheizaf explains in +972 magazine: The European Union’s new guidelines regarding the settlements were… the talk of the day in Israel yesterday… (Tuesday), and they are still the leading story in all the morning papers. The feeling is that for the first time, an…

Boycotting Israel strikes fear in heart of liberal Zionism

Today’s Haaretz editorial… displays the reality of Israel’s situation; an illusion of stability amidst growing international criticism of its apartheid against the Palestinians: Concern over a possible international economic boycott of Israel has been growing. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni is responsible for negotiations with the Palestinians. At the beginning of the month she warned that if…

John Kerry’s fruitless Middle East “peace mission”

Far too many in the media get excited when yet another US official talks about restarting the “peace process”. It’s all smokes and mirrors and largely irrelevant to facts on the ground, ever-expanding Israeli occupation over Palestine. Here’s Jeff Halper, founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions: How do we respond to Kerry? I…

Keynote speech at Queensland History Teacher’s Association on Middle East

I spent the weekend in Brisbane, Queensland giving the keynote address at the annual… Queensland History Teacher’s Association conference. I was honoured to be asked to deliver an address on the Middle East and speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine. Over 220 teachers came from across Queensland, young and old, males but mostly females. I was warmly welcomed.…

Murdoch’s Aussie organ just happens to think Nazism = BDS

This is almost a weekly obsession. As Israel’s behaviour worsens – just this week the UN released a report finding that the Jewish state tortures Palestinian children and uses them as human shields – Zionist fanatics will do everything they can to distract people from facts on the ground in Palestine and slam critics as…

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