My name is Rachel Corrie

The following program screened last night on Australia’s finest current affairs program, SBS Dateline: (video is here) It’s not often that a 1-woman show ignites worldwide controversy. But a play called ‘My Name is Rachel Corrie’ about a young American protestor killed by an Israeli bulldozer in the Gaza Strip, has done just that. In…

Author calls for economic sanctions against Israel

The following article appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News (AJN): Speaking to a crowd of almost 200 people at Gleebooks in Glebe recently, outspoken Israel critic Antony Loewenstein spoke with Palestinian-American author Ali Abunimah about his perceived need for a shift in understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the necessity of moving towards a…

Goodbye to all that?

Israeli newspaper Haaretz has become one of the great journals of the world, fearlessly reporting the effects of the occupation. But a new German owner appears determined to radically shift its focus. An insider writes: A new German owner has purchased Haaretz and a “Putsch is being carried out among reporting staff,” in the most…

Only nice Palestinians need appear

What the hell is wrong with American Jews? Popular U.S. clothing store Urban Outfitters has halted sales of a T-shirt apparently supporting Palestinian violence that has sparked outrage in the American Jewish community. The T-shirt, created by Los Angeles-based designer “Fashion Jive,” depicts a young Palestinian boy carrying an AK-47 assault rifle, over the word…

Three questions: Antony Loewenstein

The following interview appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Which writer, alive or dead, would you most like to see at a writers’ festival? George Orwell. We need somebody to skewer the imperial ambitions of the right and the self-righteousness of the left. He could regale audiences with tales of war and hopefully convince any…

Weapons of mass instruction

My latest New Matilda column is about Israel after its 60th anniversary and features an exclusive interview with Palestinian-American Ali Abunimah: Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations are over. Hardline British Zionist commentator Melanie Phillips hopes that Israel or America will now bomb Iran. Israel complained to the UN about its use of the word “Nakba” to…

Don’t meet/speak/hang out with dissident Jews

The following article, headlined, “Uni students face heat over Loewenstein debate”, appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News: A decision by Jewish university students to invite outspoken Israel critic Antony Loewenstein held at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has angered some community members. Hillel director Gary Samowitz, 25, said he organised the April…

Blaming the victims

Talking honestly about Palestine in Australia is clearly too challenging for some: The decision by a Sydney library to dump an exhibition about Palestinian refugees after a visit by counter-terrorism police the night before it opened has been criticised as an act of censorship. Leichhardt municipal library was to launch the Al-Nakba pictorial exhibition last…

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