Companies will be remembered for backing Israeli apartheid

The complicity of Western multinationals in the maintenance of apartheid South Africa continues to haunt the world (I wrote last year about the role of Britain’s Tory leader David Cameron in this sordid history). Who can read this latest news from the US and not wonder when Western firms will be hauled before courts to…

On World AIDS Day, we must fight this disease every day

The news that South Africa is finally acknowledging the profound issue of HIV/AIDS is a welcome development after a decade of neglect: The United States is giving South Africa $120 million for AIDS treatment drugs in response to a plea from President Jacob Zuma that underlines his new approach to fighting the epidemic in the…

South Africa seemingly infested by friendly Israeli agents

Sometimes, certain stories need no introduction: South Africa deported an Israeli airline official last week following allegations that Israel’s secret police, the Shin Bet, had infiltrated Johannesburg international airport in an effort to gather information on South African citizens, particularly black and Muslim travellers. The move by the South African government followed an investigation by…

Treat them mean

Haaretz reminds us of the intimate connection between apartheid South Africa and Israel: South Africa began developing its nuclear program in 1949. To do so, it used know-how, equipment, technology and reactors used for research and for power that it bought from the United States, Britain, France and Germany. However, in 1976, the Western countries…

How to talk to “terrorists”

Once were terrorists: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has asked for “embarrassing” travel restrictions on Nelson Mandela and South African leaders to be lifted. A bill has been introduced in the US Congress to remove from databases any reference to South Africa’s governing party and its leaders as terrorists. The African National Congress (ANC)…

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