Carne Cruda interview on the Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview with Carne Cruda, one of the most popular podcasts in the country.

El Periódico interview on the Palestine laboratory

El Periódico interview on the Palestine laboratory

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview in El Periódico de Catalunya, a daily newspaper based in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN | Gaza, laboratorio de armas para Israel: Las promocionan como probada en combat

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview in El Confidencial. Banderas de Israel ondeando en manifestaciones de ultraderecha: así opera el ‘laboratorio palestino’

El Diario interview on The Palestine lab

El Diario interview on The Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s the story in El Diario. El negocio israelí de la guerra: “Muchas empresas promocionan material militar que el Ejército está

El Pais interview on the Palestine Laboratory

El Pais interview on the Palestine Laboratory

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a range of Spanish media. Here’s my interview with El Pais in Spanish and English: Journalist Antony Loewenstein: ‘Israel uses apps that make killing Palestinians as easy as ordering

The Palestine Laboratory launches in Spanish edition

The Palestine Laboratory launches in Spanish edition

The Spanish translated edition of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, is now out with Capitan Swing. Unlike some other European nations, pro-Palestine sentiment in Spain is strong. This surely explains the huge amount of interest I’m receiving from the country. I love the original artwork on the cover, too.

A litany of Wikileaks evidence that US behaves like rogue state

The Wikileaks stories keep on coming. One: The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables. In…

What fascists do to defenders of justice

A warning to any international lawyers who try and address history’s wrongs. You will pay a price, usually by those most closely associated with the original sin: The crowd gathered outside Madrid’s national court was loud and angry. “The world has been turned upside down,” they cried. “The fascists are judging the judge!” Some carried…

The future is dire

The governor of the Bank of Spain on Sunday issued a bleak assessment of the economic crisis, warning that the world faced a “total” financial meltdown unseen since the Great Depression.

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