Of course the Palestinian Authority loves Sri Lanka

Ali Abunimah: Abbas PA loves the racist Zionist regime, so why wouldn’t they love the racist Sinhalese supremacist Sri Lanka regime? Here’s the story: Sri Lanka’s envoy to the Palestinian Authority was awarded honorary citizenship by the West Bank municipality of Beitunia on Monday, his office said. T Jayasinghe was awarded the certificate of citizenship…

Gillard remains in the gutter over asylum seekers (and she feels fine)

Australia’s new refugee policy is truly a “he-man” competition. Who can seem toughest on those evil people smugglers? Who can maximise political capital over the handful of desperate souls from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq keen to make a better life? Opening a regional processing centre in East Timor smacks of a typical Western colonial…

Asylum seekers deserve respect and a home

When both major sides of Australian politics race to the bottom to demonise the most vulnerable within our borders (and the ones without a megaphone to tell us what they’re thinking and feeling), it takes brave voices to lead the debate: The Greens and one of Australia’s most prominent human rights lawyers have urged new…

Sri Lanka isn’t safe, Australia

Just in case anybody believes that the new Australian Prime Minister will deliver on human rights, a sobering warning: Amnesty International is calling on the federal government to lift its suspension on processing the claims of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, saying the troubled nation is still a dangerous place. The three-month suspension ends on…

Tamils need generals and leaders to face trial over abuses

Make it transparent, make it accountable and make it efficient. The victims in Sri Lanka deserve nothing less: The United Nations has set up a high-level panel to look into allegations of human rights abuses in the final months of the civil war in Sri Lanka. Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general, launched the investigation on Tuesday.…

Colombo wants to teach the world how to kill civilians and smile

I look forward to Sri Lankan hacks visiting Israel and teaching them the ways to defeat “terrorism” (bombing hospitals and refugee camps will come as second nature to them both): A strong leadership and a disciplined military are the keys in wiping out separatist movements that have resorted to terrorism in our country, the Sri…

The “war on terror” debases us all

Guess which war criminal said this? It is understood by all that we carried out this great humanitarian operation only to eliminate terrorism. We left no room for even one bullet to be fired against ordinary citizens. Our armed forces comprise those who went into battle carrying a gun in one hand, the declaration of…

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