Why Tamils must push their claims internationally

The government of Sri Lanka will continue to try and crush the Tamil Diaspora’s calls for freedom and independence and inevitably fail miserably in its task. By framing these activities as part of the “war on terror” is about as convincing as thinking Colombo cares deeply about the country’s minorities: Sri Lankan authorities have commenced…

What real democracies should do; take responsibility for war crimes

Colombo’s crimes against the Tamils are not forgotten even if many in the country would like the international community to celebrate their “war against terror.” Fat chance: A new project established for the purposes of gathering evidence of war crimes in Sri Lanka has been launched by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and the…

A government that shuns asylum seekers deserves sanction

Last weekend Australia’s leading unions sent a letter to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd demanding a more humane response to refugees (the story is covered in today’s Sydney Morning Herald): Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to express our concern at the growing stance of indifference towards and demonisation of asylum seekers from both sides of…

Why did the Australian government help Colombo in its vicious war?

A few months ago a number of Tamils in Australia walked free after pleading guilty to terrorism charges. It was a comprehensive disaster for the Australian government and highlighted a disturbing tendency to do the bidding of the Sri Lankan authorities in its “war against terror” and the Tamil people. One of those released, Arumugam…

A lone Tamil politician urges Sri Lanka to look deep into its heart

Sivagnanam Sritharan is a newly elected Tamil politician in Sri Lanka. The following is his maiden speech to Parliament on 8 May: Honourable speaker, respectable members, on behalf of my people who have sent me as their representative and my self I wish to express my congratulations and greetings to you all. I stand here…

Staying silent while Sri Lanka burns isn’t an option

As writers, we have a duty to question our own people and their actions. It is a responsibility. A fellow advisor on the UK-based Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice, Roma Tearne writes in the Independent on the pain of Sri Lanka and why we should all raise our voices: On the island of…

Keeping Colombo on its bloody toes

We will not forget: More than a year after Sri Lanka launched its final offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels, pressure continues to mount for an international tribunal into alleged war crimes. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon plans to appoint a panel of experts to look into a tribunal, something the Sri Lankan government says…

MIA uses her Tamil heritage to make a point

A very strong new video by Tamil MIA, Born Free, shocks the senses. And rightly so: If singer/rapper M.I.A.’s purpose was to get people talking about her new single “Born Free,” she succeeded. The Sri Lankan-born artist debuted the graphic video on Monday. Immediately, fans took to social media to debate its scenes of military…

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