Sri Lanka is not the forgotten war

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies With the support of Amnesty International PRESENT: Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Emergency ”¢ How and why it is being hidden ”¢ And what we can do about it Monday 31 August 2009, 6.30 – 8.30 pm Footbridge Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney Entry by gold coin donation Bruce Haigh…

Sri Lanka: a war without end

Sri Lanka has largely fallen off the media radar despite the human rights situation for Tamils in the country remaining dire. Britain’s Channel 4 led the way this year with some fine reporting on the massacres. Now this: Just three months after the Sri Lankan government declared the country liberated from the Tamil Tigers, video…

Reaction to Pilger award reveals Zionist lobby’s fear of dissent

My following article appears in Crikey: In 2003, Palestinian politician and human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi won the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist establishment reacted with outrage, accused her of extremism and pressured then New South Wales Premier Bob Carr to not present the award. The campaign was a disaster and convinced large swathes of…

Tamils aren’t real people, are they?

From TamilNet: Prof Noam Chomsky, professor emeritus of linguistics at MIT, said Thursday during a United Nations forum on Responsibility to Protect (R2P), that what happened in Sri Lanka was a major Rwanda-like atrocity, in a different scale, where the West didn’t care. “There was plenty of early warning. This [conflict] has been going on…

From Colombo to Gaza via Geneva

The Gaza war continues to reverberate in the strangest of places: Veteran Sri Lankan diplomat Dayan Jayatilleka has been sacked triggering speculation that his protest against Israeli incursion into Gaza could have prompted the move. Jayatilleka, Sri Lanka’s permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, said he hadn’t the “foggiest notion” why he was…

You can’t bomb Tamils to freedom

The brutality recently experienced by Sri Lanka will leave a lasting impression on the suffering Tamil population. The country’s President, Mohinda Rajapaksa, tells the New York Times that he believes in reconciliation with the entire population. That currently seems like a very long way away.

Don’t wait for the web to bring democracy

As Iran teeters and the Supreme Leader warns protestors, Zionists, foreigners and the media to back off – he would be comical if this wasn’t so serious – many in the West should be cautious about heralding the Twitter Revolution. As I write in my book The Blogging Revolution, new technology doesn’t on its own…

Challenging the notions of reporting in the modern age

Sydney PEN, an affiliate of International PEN, is an association of writers devoted to freedom of expression in Australia and in the world at large. In accordance with the PEN Charter it uses its influence on behalf of writers anywhere who are silenced by persecution, exile or imprisonment and acts as an authoritative source on… matters…

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