We treat you with contempt

Sri Lanka’s foreign minister, Rohitha Bogollagama, has a message to the world: Sri Lanka will no doubt enter the annals of history as a classic textbook example of a nation that successfully prevailed over the scourge of terrorism, while tenaciously upholding the cherished values of democracy and human rights. He sounds as deluded as an…

Bomb and bomb some more

In the mind of Canada’s neo-con paper The National Post, it’s perfectly acceptable to bomb civilians in the name of the “war on terror” against “terrorists”. It’s curious that the paper positively compares Israel’s war against Gaza and Sri Lanka’s onslaught against the Tamils. That two such rogue nations should get together isn’t surprising; they…

Journalists should take greater responsibility

The following article by Pip Hinman appears in the Green Left Weekly: More than 120 people packed into a seminar “Media complicity: reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009” on May 27 at the University of Technology. The meeting was hosted by Wendy Bacon from the Centre for Independent Journalism and co-sponsored by the Centre for…

Keeping the world focused on Sri Lanka

In early March a Sri Lankan Crisis Statement was circulated and signed by a host of Australians to highlight the dire humanitarian situation in the country. An updated statement has now been released: We are Australian citizens who share a deep concern about the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka now affecting more than 300,000 people,…

Murdering innocents is a small price to pay

The Sri Lankan state has caused untold suffering against the Tamil people in the north of the country. The government reminds me of Israel, a rogue nation that indiscriminately kills civilians, something now even they acknowledge: In an exclusive interview with the Daily Telegraph, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan, alias Colonel Karuna, said president Mahinda Rajapaksa had made…

27th May : Media Complicity? Reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009

The Australian Centre for Independent Journalism and the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University present a seminar on: ” Media Complicity? -Reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009”³ What happens when the journalists are shut out? What affect does this have on reporting? How should we be reporting Sri Lanka and Gaza from…

We sell death, how may we help you?

Israel’s method of war is brutal, indiscriminate and criminal. Hardly a model for anybody. Unless, of course, you’re a rogue state such as Sri Lanka and you need some weapons for your own “war on terror”. Israel will sell arms to pretty much any dictatorship, no matter how barbaric. Let’s not forget that Israel was…

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