Is expressing skepticism too much to ask?

I often write about the failings of the corporate media in fairly reporting conflict zones and far too keenly adopting the “official” position. The latest example is Sri Lanka’s war against the Tamil people (allegedly at its end today). An article in the Green Left Weekly highlights the dangers of corporate journalists taking government-arranged trips…

Another failed war on terror hit

The massive crisis in Sri Lanka is starting to get some media traction (and discussion about Western complicity, especially Britain and its arms sales). Too many journalists and nations still regard the onslaught against the Tamils as part of the “war on terror“. Big mistake. John Pilger tackles the subject calmly and offers a necessary…

This is rather like the Gaza Strip

The Sri Lankan regime are currently excelling themselves in perfecting the art of brutality. A Channel 4 News team was deported from the country yesterday. Here its Asia correspondent, Nick Paton Walsh, tells the Guardian what happened: When Sri Lanka’s defence secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, rang he got quickly to the point. “Is this Channel 4?…

Sri Lanka is a nation we support. Why?

A speech was given recently in Qatar for World Press Freedom Day. Murdered Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge was posthumously given the World Press Freedom Prize 2009. His niece, Natalie Samarasinghe, read out a statement from his widow, Sonali Samarasinghe Wickrematunge: The free Sri Lanka in which I was born no longer exists. Our country…

The Palestinian cause understands the Tamil struggle

University of Western Sydney Students for Palestine passed the following motion today in support of Tamil rights: Students for Palestine UWS condemns the genocidal policies of the Sri Lankan government which are a continuation of over six decades of systematic discrimination carried out against the Tamil population. The drive towards genocide of the Tamils has…

A criminal country defends itself

Britain’s Channel 4 obtains footage of abuses in Sri Lankan government-run camps near the war zone in the country’s north-east. If you thought the Israelis were bad at defending their excesses and crimes, take a look at the Sri Lankans:

Another WOT “victim”

Many nations followed the US lead and conducted their own “war on terror”. Take Sri Lanka. This release on the country’s Defence Ministry website about the recent visit of British Foreign Secretary David Milliband is about as compelling as North Korean PR: The Defence Secretary said it was up to the British delegation to decide…

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