Define: bravery

We salute you: Index on Censorship today announces the shortlist for the 2009 Freedom of Expression Awards. The awards, presented in association with the Economist, the Guardian, Bindmans and the Robert Gavron Trust, honour those who have furthered the cause of freedom of expression and battled censorship around the world. Prizes are awarded in five…

What Jewish identity can mean

The ghosts of the Jewish Holocaust echo everywhere: Every night after work, Ellyn Shander sits on her computer for hours, corresponding with people around the world and trying to save friends caught in a conflict between the government and rebel groups in Sri Lanka. Her family members died in the Holocaust. And now, she fears,…

How do we manage these claims?

The Palestinian and Tamil struggles for independence are radically different and yet the ways in which the Israeli and Sri Lankan governments respectively deal with their mutual “problems” are remarkably similar. A necessary investigation.

Australian academics and professionals sign Sri Lankan Crisis Statement

Australian Academics and Professionals Sign Sri Lankan Crisis Statement Prominent Australians, including human rights lawyer Mr. Julian Burnside AO QC and world renowned landscaper and TV personality Mr. Jamie Durie, have joined a list of signatories urging the Rudd Government to help end the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka. Several non-Australians, including…

No solution at all

So the Obama administration is considering invading Sri Lanka to essentially ethnically cleanse Tamils from their own homeland? The Obama administration will sound out foreign secretary Shiv Shankar Menon on Monday on India’s support for a US-led invasion of Sri Lanka to evacuate nearly 200,000 Tamil civilians trapped inside territory controlled by the Liberation Tigers…

Trying looking elsewhere for friends

A Jerusalem Post columnist asks the difference between the counter-insurgency tactics employed by Israel and Sri Lanka. He can’t understand why the Jewish state is condemned for tackling “terrorism”, but Sri Lanka is seemingly praised for routing the Tamil Tigers. In fact, both countries employ terror to achieve their goals and neither will succeed. Of…

Sri Lankan crisis statement

The following statement was released in Australia today and can be signed by concerned citizens: We are Australian citizens who share a deep concern about the escalating civilian crisis in Sri Lanka. We call on the Australian government to demand the Sri Lankan authorities and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam declare an immediate ceasefire.…

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