Why not bomb Syria?

This is mainstream media reporting. Anonymous voices advocating war and chaos in the Middle East, courtesy of Israel and the US: Syria’s fresh interference in Lebanon and its increasingly sophisticated weapons shipments to Hezbollah have alarmed American officials and prompted Israel’s military to consider a strike against a Syrian weapons depot that supplies the Lebanese…

Syria gives US lesson in Mid-East realities

Robert Fisk, in a piece titled, “Now we know. America really doesn’t care about injustice in the Middle East“, writes that the Wikileaks cables are a depressing read of US and Israeli arrogance: One of the most interesting reflections – dutifully ignored by most of the pro-Wikileaks papers yesterday – came in a cable on…

We break Iraq and simply ignore it

Where is the Western responsibility for causing such chaos in Iraq? A second exodus has begun here, of Iraqis who returned after fleeing the carnage of the height of the war, but now find that violence and the nation’s severe lack of jobs are pulling them away from home once again. Since the American invasion…

Washington’s global footprint is as subtle as the BFG

We often hear about the military industrial complex, but what does it mean in practice? Exhibit number one: The construction projects are sprouting like mushrooms: walled complexes, high-strength weapons vaults, and underground bunkers with command and control capacities — and they’re being planned and funded by a military force intent on embedding itself ever more…

Israel has problems but hey Hamas is nearby (relevance, Zionists?)

Following my article yesterday in the Sydney Morning Herald on Israel/Palestine, the following letters appear in today’s edition: For an alternative to Antony Loewenstein’s polemic against Israel (“Western politicians prefer to ignore Israel’s inherent racism”, October 28) I refer readers to Freedom in the World: Israel 2010 by Freedom House, a venerable and widely respected…

Roll up, tourists; Israel would like to show you its occupying heart

While Haaretz calls on Israel to embrace peace talks with Syria – something many in the Zionist establishment have no intention of pursuing; far easier to have another “enemy” in the region – the priority of the Netanyahu government is organising tourist trips into the occupied West Bank settlements: While the Americans are struggling to…

What erasing Iraq means on the ground

Iraqis still remain almost invisible when the war is being discussed. Far easier for the corporate press to interview a US general who blathers about something. But Iraqi refugee schoolchildren are struggling in Syria and literally millions of Iraqis are displaced, abused and lost. All these issues are addressed in my friend Mike Otterman’s recently…

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