Radio New Zealand interview on Israel and blogging

I was interviewed this weekend on Radio New Zealand National Saturday Morning with Kim Hill on issues of Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity, blogging and internet censorship. It was a long interview (over 40 minutes) and offered a rare opportunity to explore key areas of Zionist responsibility for occupation in Palestine and why blogging and journalism…

Australia and its close mates in Mossad

The following is an extract from an ABC Radio program “Rear Vision” titled “The story of the Israeli secret service the Mossad” broadcast this week. Israeli historian Professor Benny Morris and Yossi Melman, journalist and intelligence expert for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, admit that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and some other western intelligence…

Being an Iraqi in Lebanon

The Iraq war has produced nightmares for generations: When one mentions refugees in Lebanon, one usually thinks about the estimated 300,000 Palestinians who live here in appalling social and economic conditions. But an estimated 50,000 Iraqis have sought refuge in Lebanon in the last few years, most of them without legal status and in constant…

JPost tells the world that Israel can do whatever the hell it wants

While some Western newspapers are upset that Israel acts with impunity, the Jerusalem Post claims in this editorial that the Jewish state has the right to act as it wants, even illegally, as it’s fighting the “war on terror” that all Western states are fighting. The last bit is true and hypocrisy is the name…

Christmas Island ”˜pressure cooker’ could explode after UN review

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Christmas Island is a “pressure cooker”, according to one recently-returned refugee advocate. And the situation will blow up completely if the federal government is allowed to deport asylum seekers back to strife-torn Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. As more boats arrive at the offshore immigration processing centre”‰—”‰and…

From Dubai to Budapest, Mossad keeps busy

More killing in the name of Zionism: Two Israeli aircraft appearing to be spy planes flew near Budapest’s international airport last week but did not land there, Hungarian media reported Thursday. According to the reports, the planes were on a “spy mission” that may be connected to the assassination of a Syrian national in his…

The OECD may once again be ignoring Israel’s elephant in the ro

Who said brutally occupying another people is a barrier to global acceptance? An exclusive club of the world’s most developed countries is poised to admit Israel as a member even though, a confidential internal document indicates, doing so will amount to endorsing Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories. Israel has been told that…

Who picks up the pieces seven years after the Iraq invasion?

The Iraq war receives far too little media coverage these days. The “good war” in Afghanistan is leading the bulletins. But reading about this document from an American army medic back from Iraq, the atrocities by the Americans remain largely unknown. ABC yesterday featured a story and news report about the massive refugee crisis in…

The best way to treat free gifts from Israel

At least some political leaders aren’t obsessed with Israeli “democracy”: The deputy prime minister of Greece has sent back to the Israeli Embassy in Athens three bottles of wine given to him as a gift, because they were produced in the Golan, which “belongs to Syria” and is “illegally occupied.” The embassy had given the…

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