Just some genocide provided by Jewish settlers

If a Muslim calls for the destruction of Israel or Jews, it is rightly condemned. But how about a radical Jew writing this? For peace and truth to unite and prevail, Israel must first triumph over her enemies, today led by Satanic Iran. Israel is waiting for the moment. She knows that the mullahs of…

When killing Iranians is your primary Jewish goal

The singular aim of Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick (a woman with form) is depressingly lacking in foresight, originality, morality or legality: What can Israel do to prevent Iran from further expanding its nuclear capacity and block it from emerging as a nuclear power? The answer to this question is the same as it has…

Who will stop these Lockerbie lies?

William Blum, author of Killing Hope, on just the latest “outrage” about terrorism: If there’s anyone out there who is not already thoroughly cynical about those on the board of directors of the planet, the latest chapter in the saga of the bombing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland might just be enough to push…

Imagining a Middle East that doesn’t exist

Laura Rozen writes in Foreign Policy on the likely moves by the Obama administration towards Middle East “peace”: Aaron David Miller, a veteran Middle East peace negotiator for six secretaries of state, said Sunday that the Obama administration is planning to produce, “in late September or October,” either a conference or an announcement of a…

The chances of Washington seeing sense (hint: very low)

Joseph Bahout, professor at Sciences-Po Paris and researcher at Academie Diplomatique Internationale, writes in Bitterlemons: Obama’s Middle-East sherpas would be well advised to get quickly rid of three illusions regarding a Lebanese-Israeli process. Any serious authority in today’s Lebanon is one that will not ignore Syria’s own progress in talks. Any talks that ignore Hizballah…

The truth warrior

My following essay is published in Sydney Ideas Quarterly magazine: John Mearsheimer, a leading US scholar on international relations, has strong views on political issues from the Middle East to Iraq but until now, the establishment has been slow to listen. He spoke to Antony Loewenstein During this year’s Iranian uprising, which followed the disputed…

Acknowledging the Palestinian problem

Will the Zionist lobby complain about the US making this necessary move? The State Department confirmed today that as many as 1,350 Iraqi Palestinians – once the well-treated guests of Saddam Hussein and now at outs with much of Iraqi society – will be resettled in the US, mostly in southern California, starting this fall.…

‘If You Don’t Agree With Us You’re Antisemitic’

My latest New Matilda column, co-written with Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull, responds to predictable charges of political bias by the Zionist lobby: Labor MP Michael Danby’s accusation of antisemitism against two Jewish writers is a false and dangerous misuse of that term, write the accused, Michael Brull and Antony Loewenstein Sometimes, people…

They blog, I blog, we all blog

The following review of my book The Blogging Revolution appears in the latest edition of Harvard University’s Nieman Reports: An Australian blogger interviews dissident bloggers worldwide, and in his book he explains why what they do matters and who is trying to stop them. By Danny Schechter I am a blogger, a media critic, and…

Anything to keep the occupation out of the headlines

Following the Australian’s article on the weekend about the Australian government’s impending trip to Israel, today’s paper publishes the following responses: The anti-Israel bigotry to which you refer in the editorial defending Julia Gillard’s visit to Israel (“A trip worth taking”, 13-14/6) is vividly illustrated in Amnesty International’s recently released annual global report. The survey…

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