What unaccountable US torture looks like

Stunning post by Darryl Li at the Middle East Research and Information Project: Two of today’s headlines together provide a good example of the work of imperial forgetting. On the front page of theNew York Times, a… story… about the depiction of torture in the forthcoming national revenge flick… Zero Dark Thirty… shows how little debates have advanced over…

The American horror inflicted on Bradley Manning

If anybody doubts the brutality of the US “justice system” and the ways in which anybody deeply associated with Wikileaks is deemed an enemy of the state, the treatment of Bradley Manning is nothing less than torture. The reality of a tattered super-power. The Guardian reports: Shortly before… Bradley Manning… was arrested in Iraq under suspicion of…

New frontiers of “free speech”: pressuring Twitter to ban Hamas

Disturbing post by the ACLU about the growing pressure in the US to try and silence ideas or groups that certain interest groups don’t like (but who live and operate in the real world): With one major exception, the Roberts Court has been quite protective of unpopular (and even revolting) speech under the First Amendment.…

Israeli goal in Gaza is “spring cleaning”

Typically astute thoughts and insights from The Magnes Zionist: I don’t know whether Nate Silver gives odds on wars, but the odds of Israel escalating its aggression against Gaza were higher than the odds Silver gave for Obama winning the last election — I mean the odds on election day. It has been clear for…

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