In the Syrian civil war, America and jihadis are on the same side

Yet more spectacular reporting from Ghaith Abdul-Ahad (the man has form) from the Syrian city of Aleppo (via the Guardian): Soldiers! Soldiers!” The man hissed his warning as he hurried past, two bullets from a government sniper kicking up dust from the dirt road behind him. It was enough for Abu Omar al-Chechen. His ragtag…

When Israel lies to America and Washington turns the other cheek

A revealing piece in the New York Times by Seth Anziska that outlines the ways that an arrogant Israel sees no issue with lying to its benefactor, America, while Washington appears far too willing to accept the word of a notoriously venal Israeli establishment: On the night of Sept. 16, 1982, the Israeli military allowed…

Remembering Sabra and Chatila

Robert Fisk on a massacre that proves Western outrage over war crimes are highly selective: The memories remain, of course. The man who lost his family in an earlier massacre, only to watch the young men of Chatila lined up after the new killings and marched off to death. But – like the muck piled…

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