Fallujah 2004 vs Misrata 2011

Here’s what the corporate press would like us to believe. Causing carnage in Iraq by Western forces was justified to rid the place of “terrorists” but when Gaddafi does something similar in Libya he’s a blood-thirsty murderer. Medialens dissects the hypocrisy.

The West has much to learn post Bin Laden death

My following article appears in today’s ABC’s The Drum: The triumphalism after the American targeted assassination of Osama bin Laden is a sure sign that the US is incapable of understanding the significance of the painful years since September 11. We suffered and now you must, too. “I’ve never been so excited to see the…

ABCTV News24 on Bin Laden and why resistance won’t die

I appeared tonight on ABCTV News’ The Drum (video here) talking about Osama Bin Laden’s murder and its ramifications, alongside Australian Financial Review journalist David Crowe, US Studies Centre Dr Pete Hatemi (formerly in the US military post 9/11) and former CNN correspondent Michael Ware (here’s partial video of the show, mainly featuring the intrepid…

Not all resistance to Western occupation is terrorism

And nowhere is that clearer in Afghanistan, where the Taliban, as vile as it often is, is not the same as Al-Qaeda (or Hamas or Hizbollah or Iran). Our political and media classes have largely failed post 9/11 to even try to understand Islamism or resistance: Considering how closely tied their histories have been, the…

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