Deep behind “enemy” lines in Afghanistan

James Fergusson on the war in Afghanistan that isn’t being discussed in the New York Times or polite circles: The sound of a propeller engine is audible the moment my fixer and I climb out of the car, causing us new arrivals from Kabul to glance sharply upwards. I have never heard a military drone…

More weapons, more profits, more death

The privatisation of war is a growing phenomenon across the world. It’s rarely examined (Jeremy Scahill is a notable and noble exception). And now here’s David Ignatius in the Washington Post on the brave new world of killing “terrorists” and not telling anybody about it: A new arsenal of drones and satellite-guided weapons is changing…

Australian unions, Paul Howes, BDS and loving Israel

My following investigation appears in today’s edition of Crikey: The Middle East “quagmire” is largely “the fault of Israel”, according to Paul Howes, national secretary of the Australian Workers Union (AWU). In an interview with Crikey, the author of Confessions of a Faceless Man said that he was a “critical friend of Israel” and the…

Colombo and Tel Aviv gaze deeply into each other’s eyes

Sri Lanka and Israel seem to admire each other deeply. Both have a blatant disregard for civilian casualties and use the “war on terror” to justify brutal policies against Tamils/Palestinians. Read on: Eli Belotsercovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in New Delhi was on a visit to Sri Lanka recently. He toured Anuradhapura,…

How Palestine inspires the people of Kashmir

Arundhati Roy in the New York Times powerfully expresses the conflict in Kashmir, America’s willful impotence and the mood of resistance: A week before he was elected in 2008, President Obama said that solving the dispute over Kashmir’s struggle for self-determination — which has led to three wars between India and Pakistan since 1947 —…

Fisk on US lies over Wikileaks

Oh I’ve missed seeing Robert Fisk talking about the Middle East. Recent Australian interview about the Wikileaks Iraq documents saying that the online release merely confirms what many journalists often thought; the Pentagon knew about Iraqi and US torture and abuses. And lied about it:

Bush and Obama see “terrorists” in the same way

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald spoke this week at the University of Wisconsin on “Civil Liberties and Terrorism in the Age of Obama”. Suffice to say anybody on the Left who thinks Barack Obama is radically different to George W. Bush needs to get their head read: Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama from…

If Washington doesn’t pursue Blackwater, somebody has to

Let’s get this straight. The US government has smeared the latest Wikileaks Iraq information dump and apparently has no interest in investigating anything. The Iraqi government, undeniably corrupt and broken, has a rather different attitude: The Iraqi government says that it will investigate whether employees of the Blackwater security company were involved in hitherto undisclosed…

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