Wikileaks needs an army to stop it?

This would be funny if it weren’t so serious. One website, Wikileaks, now requires so much American power to try and stop/manage/control it. If only the same effort was spent on actually stopping the wars in the first place: In a nondescript suite of government offices not far from the Pentagon, nearly 120 intelligence analysts,…

The lessons from 9/11 are ignored, buried and dead

Today, on the anniversary of 9/11, The Independent’s Robert Fisk paints a grim picture of a world that doesn’t learn, doesn’t care and only understands the language of violence: Did 9/11 make us all go mad? How fitting, in a weird, crazed way, that the apotheosis of that firestorm nine years ago should turn out…

America, the same old torturing nation as under Bush

This is Obama’s America, siding with those who torture, use rendition and want to keep it secret: A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that former prisoners of the C.I.A. could not sue over their alleged torture in overseas prisons because such a lawsuit might expose secret government information. The sharply divided ruling was a…

“Warrior pundits” are always wrong so ignore them

TomDispatch reminds us of the faces we constantly see in our media, pontificating about the glories of war: Pentagon foreign policy is regularly seconded by a growing cadre of what might be called military intellectuals at think tanks scattered around Washington.…  Such figures, many of them qualifying as “warrior pundits” and “warrior journalists,” include: Michael…

Do we want the bio-terror threat managed by faceless men?

A cracking story and an important warning against the privatisation of the most delicate of tasks: Fears about bioterrorism have prompted new efforts by corporations and governments worldwide to build defenses against germ attacks. But some of these arrangements themselves raise security issues. Consider the spirited global contest to corner the franchise on providing halal…

Wikileaks shows the CIA understands how the US is seen

The latest Wikileaks revelations are intriguing and indicate a fear within the CIA that America may be seen as an incubator of terrorism (and, perish the thought, even a cause of violence): The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by the Web site WikiLeaks.…

Our invisble protectors

We are in very capable hands: Members of the brilliant, highly trained, and dedicated team of elite professionals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect our nation and keep its citizens out of harm’s way announced Tuesday that they do not exist. “I know most Americans like to believe there are selfless, ultra-intelligent operatives…

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