Advocate ethnic cleansing, be a good Zionist

The charming Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz back in 2002, giving his ideas of how international law should be changed to suit Israel: In light of the willingness of suicide bombers to die in the process of killing Israelis, the traditional methods of deterrence and retaliation seem insufficient. To succeed, Israel must turn the Palestinian…

Blind western backing for Israel only leads to more terrorism

The following article by Ian Munro appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Australia’s 12,000-strong Israeli community is deeply divided over the government’s deportation of an Israeli diplomat, with many angry that Israel risked good relations with a strong friend, former security analyst Ran Porat said. Mr Porat, a journalist who is undertaking postgraduate research into the…

How’s that Washington, Middle East continuity coming along?

American foreign policy, under Barack Obama, that’s called terrorism if carried out by any other state: The top American commander in the Middle East has ordered a broad expansion of clandestine military activity in an effort to disrupt militant groups or counter threats in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and other countries in the region, according…

Murdoch gives space in Australia to defend Israeli terrorism

Just in case readers of Rupert Murdoch’s Australian broadsheet were unclear whether the Jewish state should be able to murder with impunity, the following two pieces appear today. One truly wonders how much more desperate these Zionists can become. Tel Aviv nukes Gaza and the apologists will be lining up to find excuses. How is…

Our glorious politicians who sanction Israeli-led murder

Just in case it wasn’t clear, many in the Australian parliament are very happy for Israel to kill “terrorists” and use faked passports in the process. Israel is our ally, you see, and cannot be challenged: Foreign Minister Stephen Smith has accused the opposition of turning a blind eye to the abuse of Australia’s passport…

Australian Zionist lobby defends killing Arabs and doesn’t ask for permission

Following yesterday’s announcement that Australia will be expelling a Mossad agent after Israel’s abuse of passports in the murder of a Hamas official, one of the country’s leading Zionist bodies, AIJAC, released this almost comical statement. Remember, dear readers, murder isn’t murder when Israel is pulling the trigger: The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council said…

The days when the Jewish state saw a reliable ally and friend with white supremacists in South Africa

An extract (via Mondoweiss) of an amazing new book, The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa. What’s that about Israel “sharing values” with the democratic West? The Israeli–South African relationship was not only about profit and battlefield bravado, however. After Menachem Begin’s Likud Party came to power in 1977, these economic interests…

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