The relationship between the Taliban and al-Qaeda is not clear

Don’t believe everything you read in the corporate press: Evidence now available from various sources, including recently declassified U.S. State Department documents, shows that the Taliban regime led by Mullah Mohammad Omar imposed strict isolation on Osama bin Laden after 1998 to prevent him from carrying out any plots against the United States. The evidence…

Perhaps Washington would like to read some history about Afghanistan

A welcome reminder that the Pashtuns, after defeating the Soviets in Afghanistan, have not forgotten the tactics used to defeat the once-mighty super-power: Looting of military convoys is nothing new in this part of the world. A few decades ago it was the Soviets who lost their AK47s, big fur hats and service medals. Pre-partition,…

Israel is more than happy for Colombo to continue its brutality

This is sickening but utterly unsurprising. Israel and Sri Lanka both see the world in the same way; with a complete disregard for civilians in the “war on terror’. Two terror states deserve each other: Israel President Shimon Peres reiterated that his government was willing to assist Sri Lanka in any area of concern as…

Behind the thinking of Tamil Tiger backers

A fascinating story, reported in Canada’s National Post, about the ways in which a handful in the Tamil Diaspora backed, armed and funded Tamil resistance against Sinhalese nationalism in Sri Lanka: Satha Sarachandran was an unlikely international arms dealer. Quiet and studious, he was a software engineer who volunteered at a Toronto youth group. He…

Petraeus receives some important medicine from believers in human rights

On Thursday, January 21, 2010, General David Petraeus addressed Georgetown students and faculty in Gaston Hall. Approximately 10 student protesters gathered inside and outside Gaston to condemn Petraeus’s strategy in the Middle East – paying off “enemies” and using tactics of brutal counter-insurgency to “win” the local population – and the university’s decision to invite…

Why does Washington make it so easy to dislike her?

“Any association with the (Yemeni) regime will only confirm al Qaida’s narrative, which is that America is only interested in maintaining corrupt and despotic rulers and is not interested in the fate of Arabs and Muslims,” warned Bernard Haykel, a Princeton University professor.

Israel initiates terrorism, says Turkey and Lebanon

This must be Israel’s wonderful outreach working wonders on friends and neighbours: The prime ministers of Turkey and Lebanon on Monday lashed out at Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and air strikes in Gaza, warning they were undermining prospects for peace in the region. “Attacks on Lebanon is terrorism itself ”¦ We have to stand…

Flying the not-so-friendly skies from Israel

The always interesting Jewish journalist Shraga Elam questions the supposed effectiveness of Israel’s airport security services, praised around the world: As an example we can take the Israeli Ben-Gurion Airport,… which boasts of having… one of the tightest “security” operations in the world, allegedly effectively eliminating… terrorist hijackings.… In fact,… Ben-Gurion’s… safety ranking is nothing to brag about. In November 2008…

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