CNBC Indonesia examines the Palestine lab

CNBC Indonesia examines the Palestine lab

I was recently in Bali, Indonesia for the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival speaking on a range of issues from AI to Palestine and authoritarianism to Chinese literature. Just before I arrived, this story appeared in CNBC Indonesia by Arrijal Rachman on Israel’s occupation of Palestine and my book, The Palestine Laboratory. Read the whole…

Israel’s hi-tech weaponry doesn’t protect civilians

Israel’s hi-tech weaponry doesn’t protect civilians

My recent interview with US outlet, Defence One, by journalist Patrick Tucker: If Israeli defense forces launch a ground offensive into Gaza, they could use a mix of drone-enabled hacking tactics to find Hamas targets, coordinating cyber operations and tactical drones in a way that no other country has achieved. But the conflict has already revealed…

When this Jew rocked up to Gaza

When this Jew rocked up to Gaza

My recent piece in Australian outlet Crikey: “You’re a Jew,” the Israeli border guard told me at the Erez checkpoint, the border crossing between Israel and Gaza. “Why do you want to go into Gaza? It’s full of terrorists.” I’ve been visiting Gaza as a journalist since 2009 and every time I entered I faced…

Al Jazeera English interview on US intelligence boost for Israel

My latest Al Jazeera English interview on the CIA director visiting the Middle East and the US intelligence gathering base in central Australia, Pine Gap, giving intel to Israel in its war against Gaza, as reported exclusively by Declassified Australia last week (in a story that’s gone global and viral). PS. I mis-spoke near the…

On intelligence failures and Israel/Hamas

On intelligence failures and Israel/Hamas

After the recent Hamas attack on Israel, there’s been much discussion about the Israeli (and American) intelligence failures. I spoke to Al Jazeera’s podcast, The Take, about it all, especially in relation to my book, The Palestine Laboratory: An Israeli ground invasion of Gaza appears all but set to begin. It’s an invasion that the…

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