The criminal known as Tony B

Next step we hear anything about Tony Blair – such as his latest bleating regarding the chances of achieving Middle East peace “within the year” – remember this: Tony Blair was aware of the …­existence of a secret interrogation policy which …­effectively led to British citizens, and others, being …­tortured during …­counter-terrorism investigations, the Guardian…

No, truth doesn’t matter

Medialens explains that most of the mainstream media have no memory or ethics: Have journalists learnt nothing from recent history? It truly is a wonder when a reporter can assert in public, on the BBC News no less, that “Tony Blair passionately believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed a grave threat.”…

Behind the evil

My following review of Paul McGeough’s book, Kill Khalid: Mossad’s failed hit…and the rise of Hamas, appears in the March edition of the Australian Literary Review: At a pro-Israel rally in London in January, one Jewish participant compared fighting Hamas terrorism with treating cancer: “When you treat cancer you kill some of the innocent blood…

How to overcome tyranny at home

John Pilger, New Statesman, March 4: Freedoms are being lost in Britain because of the rapid growth of the “national security state”. This form of militarism was imported from the United States by New Labour. Totalitarian in essence, it relies upon fear mongering to entrench the executive with venal legal mechanisms that progressively diminish democracy…

Shifting sands of Israel/Palestine

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University: Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies ME Forum, 24 November 2008 The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective Antony Loewenstein Australian Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, speaking in March this year at a United Israel…

Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq

My following book review appeared in the Melbourne Age on April 19: On the fifth anniversary the Iraq War, The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn, the finest Western reporter in Iraq, wrote that the conflict “has been one of the most disastrous wars ever fought by Britain. It has been small but we achieved nothing . .…

News flash!

The New Statesman gets the memo a few years late: It’s official: Blair’s government set out to deceive us about Iraq. More here.

How to manage a killer

The UK Independent investigates: Heathrow airport, September 2005. An Israeli general accused of war crimes flies in. Waiting for him is a team of Met police officers. Would they dare to arrest him and risk provoking an international incident?

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