This all didn’t start post 9/11

Noam Chomsky reminds us that the US has long abused citizens. The message? Don’t be so shocked about the “war on terror”: Over the past 60 years, victims worldwide have endured the CIA’s “torture paradigm,” developed at a cost that reached $1 billion annually, according to historian Alfred McCoy in his book A Question of…

From Washington to Tel Aviv the torture train goes on

I wrote last week about the New York Times believing bogus Israeli claims that the Jewish state no longer tortured. A new blogger on the American Torture website – the book is written by a friend of mine, Mike Otterman – further explains the issue: Before 1999, Israeli laws regarding interrogation were informed by a…

Torture under a different name

The New York Times pontificated on 1 May that Israel long ago realised that torture was, well, torture: Reading about the Bush administration’s convoluted attempts to justify torture takes me back to reporting I did 12 years ago on the anguished debate in Israel over its secret service’s use of violence in interrogations. That was…

Why the peace will never be won

The violence in Sri Lanka continues and the hidden cost of the war is becoming clear: Though there have been numerous reports indicating that the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) has been systematically raping Tamil women fleeing the country’s war zone for the past four months, the Sri Lankan government’s brutal methods of media censorship have…

Perhaps they should have their balls electrocuted now

A few words about torture from somebody who would know. Major Matthew Alexander personally conducted 300 interrogations of prisoners in Iraq: The reason why foreign fighters joined al-Qa’ida in Iraq was overwhelmingly because of abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and not Islamic ideology. It plays into the hands of al-Qa’ida in Iraq because it…

Look over there, distraction time

When torture is but an after-thought: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c A Brief History of Torture Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor

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