President Bush’s legacy of torture will outlive him

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, on a US book tour, writes from New York: Outgoing US President George W Bush has a few regrets. “The fight in Iraq has been longer and more costly than expected”, he said last week. But he has never apologised for his administration’s use…

Accountability starts here

Blogger Andrew Sullivan proposes a sensible way for Barack Obama to manage the Bush administration’s use and abuse of torture over the last eight years: So perhaps the sanest way forward is a truth commission, modelled on those in Chile and South Africa that maintained governmental continuity for a while but set up a process…

The victim recalls a war crime

My following book review appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 29: My Story: The Tale Of A Terrorist Who Wasn’t By Mamdouh Habib; with Julia Collingwood; Scribe, 272 pp, $32.95 Before tortured Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib was released in 2005, then prime minister John Howard said his government didn’t “have any…

Torture is liberating

Barack Obama has pledged to close Guantanamo Bay and rebuild “America’s moral stature in the world”. Noble sentiments, but evidence is mounting that the use of torture will continue as a policy of the US.

Is all this about to be in the past?

Glenn Greenwald, Salon, November 9: As the Bush administration comes to a close, one overarching question is this:…  how were the transgressions and abuses of the last eight years allowed to be unleashed with so little backlash and resistance?… … Just consider — with no hyperbole — what our Government, our country, has done.…  We systematically tortured…

Kill more Arabs, save democracy

Not sure what Barack Obama’s win means for the world? Allow Melanie Phillips to explain: …America is in the process of changing – not just demographically by becoming less white and more diverse, but as the result of a culture war in which western civilisation is losing out to a far-left agenda which has become…

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