Political vaudeville

My latest New Matilda column is about the forthcoming US election: Vacuous coverage of the US election has only skimmed the surface of the economic and foreign policy challenges facing the next President, argues Antony Loewenstein Mainstream media debate over the forthcoming US election has been fixated on the trivial rather than the substantive. Foreign…

Nobody is above the law

Phillipe Sands, The Guardian, October 16: On October 16 1998, a magistrate signed a warrant for the arrest of Senator Augusto Pinochet and changed the course of history. The former Chilean head of state was arrested a few hours later, at the request of a Spanish prosecutor who charged him with a raft of international…

Porn does not equal torture

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on a nation we’re supposed to respect: …In the Land of the Free: if you’re an adult who produces a film using other consenting adults, for the entertainment of still other consenting adults, which merely depicts fictional acts of humiliation and degradation, the DOJ [Department of Justice] will prosecute you and send…

Torturing their way to freedom

America in Iraq: a lesson in how to make friends and influence people: Torture and other abuses against detainees in U.S. custody in Iraq were authorized and routine, even after the 2004 Abu Ghraib scandal, according to new accounts from soldiers in a Human Rights Watch report released today. The new report, containing first-hand accounts…

The super-power in depravity

America, the global pioneer of torture: A new survey of global public opinion reveals the appalling truth. Americans are now among the people on earth most supportive of government’s torturing prisoners.

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