This is what war does to a man

A US Marine emails blogger Andrew Sullivan about the use of torture in Iraq – he claims he never saw Americans do it but Iraqi troops was a different story altogether – and his feelings towards the occupied nation: To tell you the absolute truth, I had many moments in Iraq when I could see…

The war inside

Last night at the Sydney Film Festival I saw Errol Morris’ documentary on Abu Ghraib, Standard Operating Procedure: It is a powerful and eerie collection of interviews with the major interrogators at the Iraqi prison. It’s clear that these men and women were in above their heads, unsure what to do, what was right, what…

How we prosecute “terrorists”

The “war on terror” means imprisonment, torture, extraordinary rendition, Western complicity and a travesty of justice. And Britain is involved up to its neck: A British resident who is facing the death penalty in Guantanamo Bay has made a final desperate plea to Gordon Brown to end his six-year ordeal and bring him home today.…

How to help our friends

China is a repressive regime. Clearly it now makes sense, in a post 9/11 world where the US engages in torture of its own, to join forces with the Communists: U.S. military personnel at Guantanamo Bay allegedly softened up detainees at the request of Chinese intelligence officials who had come to the island facility to…

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