How to enable disaster

The architects of the Iraq war – where are they now? (But nobody should forget that the crimes committed by the Bush administration since 9/11 involve more than just members of the Bush cabinet.)

Spot the news story

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s overseas trip has been extensively covered in the mainstream media. From George W. Bush to Gordon Brown, the travelling journalists have given readers and viewers a running commentary of his daily meetings. Missing from the vast majority of the coverage, however, has been…

The United States of torture

Since Abu Ghraib first came to the world’s attention in 2004, nearly 300 photographs of Iraqi prisoner abuse have been shown to the public. But soon an enormous archive of new material – including more than 1,500 other photos, unredacted court papers and interview transcripts – will be posted online by filmmaker Errol Morris, whose…

Burqas, blogs and bombs

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: The 1979 Iranian Revolution continues to reverberate around the world. Iranian-born professor of political science at Reed College, Darius Rejali, recently said that torture was a key “inspiration” for the revolution. “It pulled all the radicals to their side,” he said. “It was a revolution about human…

Campaigning for all (including Islamists)

My friend Elijah Zarwan, a New Yorker who until recently was a researcher with Human Rights Watch in Cairo, writes about the Muslim Brotherhood, its treatment at the hands of the US-backed dictatorships and the universality of human rights: Let me be clear: I don’t support the Muslim Brotherhood. I’m fundamentally opposed to their platform,…

Death by cruelty

An imprisoned man in Guantanamo Bay is told he has AIDS and authorities refuse him access to a lawyer or medical help. This is America, 2008.

The web “threat”

A great blog by American human rights lawyer Jonathan Turley is well worth a read. Two recent highlights: – YouTube has again attracted controversy by pulling a video. This time it has removed the video of Marine David Motari throwing a puppy off a cliff as shown below in a different link. The company appears…

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