New Zealand outlet positively reviews Disaster Capitalism film

My film Disaster Capitalism with director Thor Neureiter continues to spread around the world. Thor was recently in Melbourne for the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival and the film is screening soon in Australia, the UK and elsewhere. New Zealand outlet Foreign Control Watchdog has published a review of the film written by Jeremy Agar: Afghanistan…

Public statement in support of justice for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

The following public statement was published today after I was asked by John Pilger to write a comment in support of Julian Assange: Antony Loewenstein, a prominent… independent Australian journalist, author and documentary filmmaker, issued the following endorsement of demonstrations and vigils… demanding freedom for Julian Assange.… The Socialist Equality Party has called a rally in defense of…

The Wire interview on Gaza death toll and US role in the Middle East

I was interviewed by The Wire news radio program yesterday: The already fragile stability in the Middle East has been further affected in recent weeks, with the US Embassy move to Jerusalem and President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. Overnight 55 Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli forces in Gaza, coinciding with…

Challenging those self-serving media narratives since 9/11

My book review in yesterday’s Weekend Australian newspaper:…  In The Operators, a great book on the war in Afghanistan, the American journalist Michael Hastings is scathing of reporters who spend their lives praising generals and socialising with them. Hastings exposed the arrogance and childish antics of the then head of US operations in Afghanistan, Stanley…

Disaster Capitalism film premieres in the US at Columbia University

My film Disaster Capitalism is currently screening across the world. It showed for the first time in the US in late March at Columbia University’s School of Journalism. After the film, there was a Q&A and it later broadcast on the great Disaster Politics podcast (where I appeared last year): Take a listen to the…

Think: Digital Futures interview on disaster capitalism in Puerto Rico

Think: Digital Futures is a great program on Sydney’s 2SER radio. I contributed to its latest episode: When you think about Puerto Rico—decimated by Hurricane Maria, a debt crisis and the longest power blackout in US history—most people see destruction. To a small group of cryptocurrency millionaires, it’s a chance to build a new type…

How aid can be used to keep nations deliberately poor

I was interviewed last week in Australian media outlet Crikey by Charlie Lewis about my… Disaster Capitalism film: The documentary Disaster Capitalism opens with the earthquake in Haiti, 2010. Through the ghostly fog of CCTV video, we see the ground furiously shake buildings into dust. Fronted by Australian journalist and writer Antony Loewenstein and shot over…

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters speaks on Palestine and the Middle East

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters recently toured around Australia. One night in Melbourne he took the time to speak at a public event, in conversation with Palestinian writer Randa Abdel-Fattah and me, about politics, the media, Palestine and the Middle East. He appeared before a packed house at the Athanaeum Theatre and the video has just…

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