Our brave new world; hacking Stratfor

Welcome to the future (via Daily Kos): In the wake of the recent operation by which Stratfor’s servers were compromised, much of the media has focused on the fact that some participants in the attack chose to use obtained customer credit card numbers to make donations to charitable causes. Although this aspect of the operation…

We have seen the future and it is polluted with drones

Tiny drones, massive drones and drones that can think like humans. This Washington Post feature explains how governments and private companies are set to make billions in the coming decades. Civilians suffering under drones? Ignored: In 1980, Abraham Karem, an engineer who had emigrated from Israel, retreated into his three-car garage in Hacienda Heights outside…

I am sorry for destroying Fallujah; former US soldier

US Marine Ross Caputi in a remarkably honest piece deeply understands what he did to the Iraqi city of Fallujah: It has been seven years since the end of the second siege of… Fallujah… – the US assault that left the city in ruins, killed thousands of civilians, and displaced hundreds of thousands more; the assault that…

Vulture capitalism logic; kill and abuse and ensure more business

American mercenary company Blackwater (now known as Academi, to ensure even more lucrative contracts) has an appalling record of human rights abuses. Gawker recently obtained a massive cache of documents that highlight this cowboy firm: Blackwater, the private mercenary firm that became synonymous with Bush-era war profiteering and reckless combat-tourism,announced yesterday that it has changed…

Israel’s growing anti-democratic tide deepens

My following essay appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar English: Radical Jewish colonists in the occupied Palestinian West Bank have been attacking Arabs for decades. In the past these incidents barely rated a mention in the Israeli press, let alone the global corporate media. It was only this month after a small group of Zionists rioted…

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