#Occupy hits Harvard

Well, this is very interesting: In recent years, Greg Mankiw noticed that the students who took his economics class at Harvard seemed overly concerned about preparing for their careers. That appeared to change this week. On Wednesday, about 70 of his students walked out of Economics 10, the introductory class he teaches, to protest what…

What the Left must understand about the #Occupy movement

It’s not enough to simply talk about inequality and play within a system designed and rigged by the usual political players. The real Left must get far more imaginative. This is a good piece in Le Monde Diplomatique that demands more: The Occupy Wall Street protests in the US are also directed against the Street’s…

When the state fails, citizens using private security is sure way to chaos

This is what our society is becoming; unaccountable forces that will push an aggressive agenda in the name of “efficiency”. Why not just privatise everything? Foley residents will call a private security company when they need nonemergency help, starting in January. On Tuesday, Foley City Council members unanimously approved hiring a private security company to…

Of course Afghan government can’t live without privatised forces

Don’t believe anybody who says that private security and mercenaries won’t increasingly be in the front-line of US-led wars (if not in the headlines). The New York Times reports: President Hamid Karzai’s plan to disband private security companies that protect billions of dollars worth of aid projects and replace them with government forces is fraught…

With Libya “free”, the Islamic Republic may soon receive freedom bombing

Peace-loving Britain, America and Israel may soon engage in yet another “liberation” in the Middle East: Britain’s armed forces are stepping up their contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid mounting concern about Tehran’s nuclear enrichment programme, the Guardian has learned. The Ministry of Defence believes the US may decide to fast-forward plans…

Only fools believe we should stay in Afghanistan

After more than 10 years of Western-led war in Afghanistan, The Guardian’s Jonathan Steele says that it is a conflict that we’ll (thankfully) never win. Take note America, Britain and Australia: Two days after 9/11, I wrote a column in The Guardiansaying that if the U.S. reaction was to put boots on the ground in…

Finland signed up to American network of terror after September 11

Yet more evidence is emerging of the global scope of torture post 9/11 by the Bush administration with virtual bi-partisan support. Just the latest (via Reprieve in the UK): As a front-page article in Finland’s leading daily Helsingin Sanomat today explains, the Finnish government have reluctantly been compelled, in response to requests by Amnesty International,…

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