Condi Rice reassures world; Bush made space for Arab Spring

Yes, and Iraq is a liberated nation with peace and tranquility. Delusional: “The demise of repressive governments in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere during this year’s “Arab spring,” she says, stemmed in part from Bush’s “freedom agenda,” which promoted democracy in the Middle East. “The change in the conversation about the Middle East, where people now…

Rupert worries that Stalin is reborn in NYC

While some in the Western media are accurately assessing the validity of the global Occupy movement, Murdoch’s New York Post takes the low road to typical sleaze (though with unintentional comedy): Some 50 Occupy Wall Street protesters saw red yesterday — giving an enthusiastic welcome to a genuine communist. Alex Callinicos, a professor of European…

Normalising Zionist occupation by oh-so-lovely fashion shoot

The current issue (Issue 44 Nov/Dec 2011) of Frankie magazine, a magazine aimed at young Australian girls, has on the back page a full page advertisement headed “Israeli Girls”: The text reads: Shai and Shelly on a Dead Sea Road Trip Both girls work at our store in Tel Aviv. Shai is 18 years old…

Libya is now land of business opporunities

Well, that didn’t take long. Even before Gaddafi was found and murdered, Western businesses were dreaming of the huge profits that could be made. Disaster capitalism on crack. Now, in a front page New York Times story, the joys continue: The guns in Libya have barely quieted, and NATO’s military assistance to the rebellion that…

Israel, your new best friend Mitt Romney (who loves you to death)

Think Progress reports on a truly fundamentalist position from the Presidential candidate that will only further isolate the Zionist state: If Mitt Romney becomes president, there are a lot of important foreign policy decisions that he’d leave up to others. Most notably, Romney often says that whatever the generals decide, that’s the course he’ll take…

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