This is what Israel loves doing (building illegal colonies)

One more nail in the coffin of the Jewish state: With the end of the building freeze, construction has started up in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) communities. In fact, said the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), building jumped 660% in Judea and Samaria during the first half of 2011, as compared to… the previous… year. While the…

The gospel according to Tony Abbott (future Australian leader?)

The Liberal Opposition leader Tony Abbott is interviewed in today’s Murdoch Australian by Greg Sheridan, a man who never saw a war he didn’t love to watch (from a distance). The message? Abbott loves America, Israel, the West, the “war on terror” and anything Washington asks. That’s not a foreign policy; its sycophancy: I ask…

Wikileaks claims Tamils want justice but autocratic state making that impossible

As Sri Lanka continues to face justified international pressure over war crimes against Tamils committed during the country’s civil war, a recently released Wikileaks cable alleges the Tamil population inside the country fears even raising accountability issues. That’s quite some democracy: In a comment dated 15.01.2010, US ambassador Patricia Butenis noted the Tamils in Sri…

Of course Muslim hatred would help fund Zionist extremism

Sigh: A colouring book about the events of 9/11, complete with pictures of the burning twin towers and the execution of a cowering Osama bin Laden for children to fill in, has provoked outrage among American Muslims. We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom has just been released by the Missouri-based publisher…

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