Don’t tell me the Zionist lobby hasn’t bought the entire US Congress

There is no other country on Earth that requires such constant tending and obedience: Eighty-one congressmen, or about 20 percent of the US House of Representatives, will visit Israel over the next three weeks during Congress’s summer recess, with the first group of 26 Democrats scheduled to arrive on Monday. The Democratic delegation will be…

Is Australia capable of showing any backing for Palestine?

On current evidence, the Australian government is (close to being) utterly captured by the Zionist lobby, the US alliance and blindness towards racial apartheid in the occupied territories. Are we capable of leading on this issue, and recognising that simply indulging Israeli behaviour is the worst possible friendship? Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd wants Australia to…

Bush = Obama and the data proves it

That’s quite a “liberal” US President: During the 2008 election, Barack Obama emerged as the consummate anti-war candidate. He wanted to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, funnel resources to the home front, and generally remedy the nation’s reputation as a global bully. Now, as the 2012 elections ramp up, he continues to carve a…

Since when was the corporate press for the people?

The Washington Post ombudsman may be confused as to the real purpose of his newspaper; to serve elite interests and shun the mainstream: Where is The Post going journalistically, and how will it get there? The glaring weakness of most, but not all, of The Post’s D.C. competitors is that they’re doing journalism for two…

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