How many companies are shafting America in its WOT?

Far too many and who really cares? A United Arab Emirates-based logistics contractor billed Defense Department authorities in Iraq for parts at prices marked up as high as 5,000 percent and 12,000 percent, according to a quarterly report released Saturday by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. A review of a $119 million reconstruction…

Who would trust firms to protect the public space?

Apparently the future in keeping us safe is to outsource intelligence to unaccountable corporations: In an age where cyberwarfare is more common than the physical battlefield, it may be necessary for the private sector to stop playing defense and go on offense, Gen. Michael Hayden said Friday. Hayden, who led the National Security Administration and…

What US occupation looks like on the ground

My following lead book review appeared in Saturday’s Sydney Morning Herald: INFERNAL TRIANGLE Paul McGeough Allen & Unwin, $32.99 This unblinking collection of dispatches separates the rhetoric from the reality of the post-September 11 battlefields. The new US Defence Secretary and former CIA director, Leon Panetta, recently told journalists the Obama administration was ”within reach”…

What Breivik’s manifesto tells us about his hatred of our way of life

Jeff Sharlet is the American author of the bestselling book The Family and expert on Christian fundamentalism in the US. He speaks on Democracy Now! about the massacre in Norway and the details of killer Anders Behring Breivik’s manifesto largely ignored by the corporate media: AMY GOODMAN: What were you most shocked by, Jeff Sharlet,…

US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDS

The fact that such a figure can create such hysteria about BDS shows how effective it has become. And why? Because Zionism is addicted to occupation and oppressing Palestinians. That’s rather hard to defend, if the facts are actually heard. From the Australian Jewish News (aka the Pro-Colonist Times): One of America’s most high-profile Jewish…

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