Hey Americans! Here’s a great reason to vote for Obama again

Salon’s Alex Preene shows you how: A Republican president will most likely do what the last three Republican presidents have done: Starve the government of revenue, allow industries to capture regulators, launch pointless and bloody foreign misadventures, and threaten to gut the welfare state. I mean, all of those things might be happening now, with…

Remember all the Western journalists praising Fayyad in the West Bank?

It was an illusion, built on seemingly endless Western aid and no plan to end the Zionist occupation on Palestinian land: For years, Fayyad’s soft talk and cheery dedication enabled policymakers throughout the world to ignore the brewing crisis. And this may be where Fayyad, despite his impressive management skills, did Palestinians a disservice. In…

Killing fields of Sri Lanka

Here is the devastating Channel 4 in Britain documentary on the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka. Assisted by China, Israel, India and the US, Colombo murdered over 40,000 Tamil civilians. We will not forget. And we will demand accountability:

How can we get young Jews to hate Arabs in only 10 days?

Send them on the Birthright trip. Here’s an interesting feature in the Nation on the countless number of Jews who are sent on a short propaganda trip to Israel in an attempt to convince them that Arabs are terrorists and the occupied Palestinian territories are in fact Zionist land: Birthright’s boosters seem strangely unaware of…

Praising Sri Lanka for murdering countless Tamils

Oh what a glorious war. After killing up to 40,000 Tamils civilians during the end of the country’s civil war, Colombo recently organised a conference to show the world the wonderful techniques used to silence, intimidate and destroy Tamil hopes for a homeland. Naturally, many other countries were keen to hear such wise words, including…

Understanding cyber warfare from the other side

The US is unsurprisingly worried about cyber attacks from hackers, Russia, China or even a friendly nation. The future of warfare may well be fought in a different space altogether. But this report proves how unprepared America is for the inevitable attempts to understand its inner workings. The problem lies in how hackers are viewed.…

Sri Lanka is a heart of darkness where murder is encouraged

Today’s Guardian editorial is a powerful indictment against any government, journalist or official who views Colombo as a model when fighting “terrorism”. The UN is also complicit. The take-away message is that murdering civilians during wars (something many nations are very good at, including the US, Israel, Congo and a host of others) must be…

What privatised war does to ethics; render them irrelevant

Evidence for the prosecution: In December 2008, South Asian workers, two thousand miles or more from their homes, staged a protest on the outskirts of Baghdad. The reason: Up to 1,000 of them had been confined in a windowless warehouse and other dismal living quarters without money or work for as long as three months.…

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