The not so curious or unusual case of Tony Kushner

A leading Jew is blocked from receiving an honorary degree at City University of New York because he’s critical of Israel (and dares challenge the Jewish state’s occupation policies in strong ways, which is more than most liberal Zionists do). Although the decision has been reversed and Kushner has got his piece of paper, the…

Pro-settler Zionist says young Jews love fundamentalism, too

This is so desperate it’s comical. Those backing Jewish colonies who live in the Zionist Diaspora want nothing more than no debate over the growing numbers of young Jews turning away from Israeli occupation policies. American Ted Lapkin (who used to work for the Zionist lobby AIJAC and now lurks with a right-wing think-tank) once…

Palestinian rights barely exist for Australian politicians

It takes a certain kind of chutzpah for corporatised leaders to continue praising “democratic” Israel. Today in the Australian parliament the following was put on the record. Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Liberal Senator Eric Abetz): To move—That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) its decision on 23 March 2011 to acknowledge that Israel…

Remembering the war against Tamils; accountability required

Sri Lanka remains a country talking about recovery after decades of war and yet Colombo refuses to accept responsibility for the crimes committed during the conflict. This recently Wikileaks document from May 2009 gives an insight into the final days of the civil war, when the lives of civilians were irrelevant to government forces (and…

Wikileaks wins award for courage

Bloody well deserved: Julian Assange, the founder of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, has been awarded an award “for exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights”. Mr Assange was given the Sydney Peace Medal at a ceremony at the Frontline Club in central London today. The Sydney Peace Foundation said that it was making the award to…

Bin Laden bled US and continues to do so

Asking questions about the Western obsession with Osama Bin Laden brings spluttering from certain areas of the elite class (indeed, so does saying anything against the glorious Zionist state, as a blogger in today’s Murdoch Australian says I’m polluting the ABC with anti-Israel material. Thank God standing up for Palestinians receives this bile). The real…

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