The shock doctrine is alive and well in the world’s super-power

I’m currently working on a book about disaster capitalism and rampant privatisation, diseases that seemingly sweep all before it. The idea that selling everything into private hands will solve our economic problems is ludicrous and yet both major sides of politics in many Western states back the idea. Resistance is key, so here’s Paul Krugman…

TehelkaTV interview on Israel/Palestine and changing Jewish views

During my recent appearance at the Jaipur Literature Festival in India I was interviewed by TehelkaTV, one of the country’s leading current affairs magazines (my recent article with them about the Egyptian uprising is here). We talked about the Middle East, why the Tunisian revolution would spread and the rise of dissenting Jewish voices:

What the West fears is true independence in the Arab world

The following article by Kate Ausburn appears in Green Left Weekly: Popular uprisings in the Arab world have challenged a political landscape dominated by undemocratic regimes and fronted by dictators, a panel of academics and journalists said at a Sydney University forum on February 15. Speakers discussed the regional and international ramifications of the uprisings…

How many pro-war hacks were more than happy to get the full Afghan tour?

Leading American investigative journalist Michael Hastings – previous work here on challenging pro-war propaganda in the US – has an amazing new feature for Rolling Stone: The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone…

Arms dealers see Middle East uprisings as a money spinner

How many Western governments are offering financial incentives for these leeches to sell death? Most of them: As Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi ordered attacks on his own people this week, thousands of arms sellers from the United States and other countries hawked their aircraft, riot gear and rifles to Middle Eastern buyers at the Persian Gulf’s…

Obama’s legacy; increase in private mercenaries

Really: The number of private security contractors working for the Defense Department in Afghanistan has more than tripled to about 19,000 since June 2009, according to a new congressional study. The study found a steady increase in private security contractors — most of whom are Afghans — since the DOD started tracking the data in…

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