What do we want in 2011?

Jewish American blogger and writer Max Ajl is currently in Gaza and wrote this moving post about his wish list for 2011: A friend of mine here said that what we need are not “new year’s resolutions but new year’s revolutions.” So what do I hope for in this New Year? I hope for revolutions.…

Who is best to keep unnecessary secrets now?

The job of real journalists and citizens is to challenge government spin and lies and not feel sorry for a super-power being less able to get its way: Before the infamous leak, the 250,000 State Department cables acquired by anti-secrecy activists resided in a database so obscure that few diplomats had heard of it. It…

Fallujah children suffering because of us?

What will the West do if we are at fault in causing massive defects in Iraqi children? A study examining the causes of a dramatic spike in birth defects in the Iraqi city of Falluja has for the first time concluded that genetic damage could have been caused by weaponry used in US assaults that…

Israel has such charming friends in its region

All those “moderate” US-backed dictatorships in the Middle East: Top officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency, says Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks. “These officials are spies…

Backing extremists is fine if you work for CNN

A reader sent me this incisive post: Last Wednesday, a group of prominent Bush-era Republicans, including former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former White House adviser Frances Townsend and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, flew to Paris to speak in support of a Marxist Iranian exile group there – one…

Those who want more conflict are making a little dollar out of it

The nexus between big business and government is an ever-tightening one. It’s an area I’ll be covering in a forthcoming book (due in a while). Just this week has seen a litany of media stories that highlight the inherent problems. More wars and detention to maximise profits? You better believe it. Sydney Morning Herald today:…

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