Seattle buses spread message of Zionist crimes

American civil society takes a stand: Buses in downtown Seattle will carry advertisements about “Israeli war crimes” to mark the second year since the Gaza war. The Seattle Midwest Awareness Campaign has paid $1,794 to place the advertisements on 12 buses beginning Dec. 27, the day Israel entered Gaza to stop rocket attacks on its…

Obama wants to keep suspects in jail for as long as he wants

If there are any illusions about Barack Obama, this should surely extinguish those forever: The White House is preparing an Executive Order on indefinite detention that will provide periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, according to several administration officials. The draft order, a version of which was first considered…

Nothing in the Wikileaks documents? Please

One: The prime minister of Mauritius has accused Britain of pursuing a “policy of deceit” over the Chagos islands, its Indian Ocean colony from where islanders were evicted to make way for a US military base. He spoke to the Guardian as his government launched the first step in a process that could end UK…

Our leaders happy to let people starve or die

One of the key messages emerging from the Wikileaks cables is the callousness of Western leaders towards human rights. It’s seen as an inconvenience. That’s why we treat them with appropriate contempt. One: The Howard government urged the United States to force the collapse of the North Korean regime by denying it aid, despite advice…

Iraq and Afghanistan come to American streets and homes

The future has arrived. Another installment in the stunning Washington Post series, Top Secret America called Monitoring America, on the bleeding of the “war on terror” into mainstream US life. Often privatised, mostly secret. This is the creation of a truly all-seeing police state in a so-called democracy: The months-long investigation, based on nearly 100…

Here’s to a return to Saddam days!

This is what the US has brought Iraqis? Dozens of Iraqi writers and poets took to the streets of Baghdad Friday to protest at the closure of social clubs that serve alcohol in the capital, arguing that it harkened back to Saddam-era repression. Holding up placards with the phrases “Freedom first” and “Baghdad will not…

Are journalists leaders or followers over war?

Lesson number one; never trust the corporate press to accurately report our illegal wars. The latest figures from the US media are depressing and reflect the unhealthy tendency to base coverage of war zones around Washington’s dictates. Obama says the Iraq war is winding down (even though the occupation continues) so we better move to…

Murdoch paper echoes Washington line over Wikileaks

“Journalism” Murdoch style with the headline, “Life’s a Breach, Julian” in the New York Post: Apparently, the public doesn’t have the right to know everything. The lawyer for WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange whined yesterday that his client is being treated unfairly because a Swedish police report detailing his rape charges was leaked to British newspaper.…

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