American figure defends Wikileaks

A major US politician not calling for a drone strike against Julian Assange? How very quaint (and welcome): The chairman of the House judiciary committee defended Wikileaks on Thursday, arguing that the controversial actions of the anti-secrecy outlet are protected under free speech. Speaking at a hearing to explore whether Wikileaks violated the Espionage Act…

New York Times no chance of getting award for bravery

So NYTimes editor throws Assange under a bus? Of course, the Times is a Serious paper that helped the US invade Iraq so everybody should take that publication very seriously, indeed: Is WikiLeaks a media organization, or is it something else? It’s a question with important implications, given the special protections afforded the press, but…

Don’t forget Bradley Manning

The alleged Wikileaks leaker Bradley Manning is in solitary confinement in the US under torture conditions. He has been charged with no crime but has remained in isolation for months on end. In the supposedly most democratic nation on earth. Reading back over his online conversations with hacker Adrian Lamo from earlier in the year…

So that’s why many resent Wikileaks

Glorious understatement by David Rieff: …The back-story of Wikileaks is not that American diplomacy is threatened or that Al Qaeda has been strengthened but that American diplomats have lost face, and American policy intellectuals have been confronted by an existential threat to their priestly monopoly on inside information. Oh, the pity of it!

“Miral” too hot for sensitive Jewish eyes?

I recently saw the wonderful film Miral about the Palestinian story from 1948. Made by Jewish film-maker Julian Schnabel, it was supposed to be released in the US. But, surprise surprise, there are some issues (via Mondoweiss): Here’s what Schnabel said [in New York this week], to explain his appearance at this event, a reading…

The evolving Wikileaks website (and its attackers)

Watch Washington try and find something, anything, to get Julian Assange and how many Western states are keen to help them. We must resist: Federal prosecutors, seeking to build a case against the WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange for his role in a huge dissemination of classified government documents, are looking for evidence of any collusion…

Let’s start counting; how many Aussie politicians or advisers are leaking to US?

Another day and more information about Canberra’s almost authoritarian desire to suck up to Washington. Please America, protect us from invasion by (insert country here but make sure it’s full of brown people): Julia Gillard’s speechwriter has been a confidential source of information for United States embassy officials in Australia. US diplomatics cables released by…

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