Keep those terror threats coming (the dollars are rolling in)

The “war on terror” is making some people a lot of money. But it’s all about protecting us from terrorism, of course: The companies with multimillion-dollar contracts to supply American airports with body-scanning machines more than doubled their spending on lobbying in the past five years and hired several high-profile former government officials to advance…

Corporate “journalist” channels juicy Zionist quotes over Tehran

Are we supposed to thank the US administration for stopping Israel bombing Iran? Some Israeli officials say the country’s fingers are off the hair-trigger that would launch a strike on the Iranian nuclear program, but that convincing the United States to take a harder line on Iran remains a top national priority. The apparent willingness…

Wikileaks may embarass the Pentagon and no tears are shed

A reminder, in case it was needed, that the actions of the US need to be exposed rather than hidden. Our job, as citizens, is to demand transparency from governments, not meekly accept “top secret” because officials say so: The Pentagon warned the U.S. Senate and House Armed Services Committees that the website “intends…

The greatest irony of Western policy

My following article appears today on the wonderful literary journal Overland’s website during its Subscriberthon: After the US mid-term elections, President Barack Obama is severely weakened by the rise of the Republicans. His unwillingness or inability to pursue true justice and peace in the Middle East will only be worsened. Indeed, GOP House Majority Leader…

The very murky legal world when Australia wants to kill the “enemy”

My story in Crikey this week that alleged Australian soldiers are involved in the targeted killings of “terrorists” in Afghanistan and beyond has already drawn predictable hysteria from men who can’t think of anything better than a long and glorious “war on terror” against “them”. A more mature response has appeared by Ben Saul, Sydney…

US being beaten by a handful of bearded Afghans

The most powerful military in history with the brightest minds in the business. Or not: For months, the secret talks unfolding between Taliban and Afghan leaders to end the war appeared to be showing promise, if only because of the appearance of a certain insurgent leader at one end of the table: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad…

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