Real friends of Israel see it running off a cliff

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on challenging delusional Zionism: Today, your representatives will open your great annual convention, the General Assembly. Between New Orleans’ Marriott and Sheraton hotels, you will be sated with lectures and lecturers, panels and discussion groups. Some will be about you, and some will be about us Israelis. Once again, you will…

Destroy Iran and be called a moderate US politician

A leading American politician on utterly destroying the Islamic Republic. Just imagine if an Iranian leader spoke about bombing and killing US troops: A leading US senator on defense issues said Saturday any military strike on Iran to stop its nuclear program must also strive to take out Iran’s military capability. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a…

Cut US aid to Israel and do everybody a favour

Andrew Sullivan, a leading American blogger and increasing critic of Israel, mirroring the justified mood of the times: I’d cut off aid myself – because they don’t need it and we cannot afford it – not as a pressure tactic. But even if you did, the key issue seems to me to be the UN…

What media companies support (and it’s not mostly stray dogs)

With news that MSNBC star Keith Olbermann has been suspended after donating money to some Democrat candidates – the lack of transparency is worrying and frankly no major media figure should want to get too close to any politician of any stripe – Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting unpacks the bigger picture: MSNBC host Keith…

Fisk on US lies over Wikileaks

Oh I’ve missed seeing Robert Fisk talking about the Middle East. Recent Australian interview about the Wikileaks Iraq documents saying that the online release merely confirms what many journalists often thought; the Pentagon knew about Iraqi and US torture and abuses. And lied about it:

Bush and Obama see “terrorists” in the same way

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald spoke this week at the University of Wisconsin on “Civil Liberties and Terrorism in the Age of Obama”. Suffice to say anybody on the Left who thinks Barack Obama is radically different to George W. Bush needs to get their head read: Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama from…

Israel firsters rejoice in US at taming of Obama

Well, the Zionist lobby is pleased: One prominent pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington is already praising the GOP takeover of the House of Representatives as a net benefit for Israel. “While Democrats are likely to keep control of the U.S. Senate, Republicans will take over the U.S. House of Representatives following Tuesday’s elections. This is…

Americans just love being American

Why is it that when many Americans are pleased with a politician – such as during today’s big Republican win in the mid-terms – they start shouting in unison “USA! USA! USA!? I’m sure the Iraqis and Afghans are cheering every time an American soldier drops a bomb on their village.

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