We are all refugees and will always be

A sobering reminder of attitudes towards refugees in two major Western nations. The fear and unease with asylum seekers is fanned by politicians and commentators who want people to believe the world is orderly and queues should be formed when fleeing from persecution: An election”campaign survey commissioned by the US Studies Centre in conjunction with…

How many Americans hate Islam?

The hysteria over the proposed Islamic centre and mosque near Ground Zero in New York shows most in the political and media elites have failed miserably since 9/11 to explain what Islam is and is not. Anti-Islam bigotry is rising in the US and often connected to the Zionist project. Increasingly, the most vocal backers…

Muslims aren’t all the same (pass onto the clueless)

William Dalrymple in the New York Times talks some sense about Islam and the “war on terror”, a message singularly ignored by many politicians and media hacks: President Obama’s eloquent endorsement on Friday of a planned Islamic cultural center near the World Trade Center, followed by his apparent retreat the next day, was just one…

Wikileaks needs all the defenders it can get

Following the controversy over the recent Wikileaks information dump, Reporters Without Borders attempts to get out of a hole created by itself: There has been a great deal of controversy about the Wikileaks website’s decision to post thousands of leaked reports that include the names of Afghan civilians who have collaborated with the international military…

Islam is a religion of peace (news flash to the ADL)

Moderate Islam is still a problem for Muslim haters (and here’s looking at you, radical Zionists): In March 2003, federal officials were being criticized for disrespecting the rights of Arab-Americans in their efforts to crack down on domestic security threats in the post-9/11 environment. Hoping to calm the growing tempers, FBI officials in New York…

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