Fighting an invisible Taliban

A quote from a Taliban letter passed out in the northern part of Afghanistan: Come together as one hand to defeat the infidels of the world. And make Afghanistan a Jewish and Christian cemetery.

Revealing the real agenda of the Time journalist on Afghanistan

This story gets worse by the day and yet the corporate press learn nothing and hear nothing: The maimed face of 18-year-old Aisha, her nose and ears cut off as punishment by her Afghan husband for fleeing his home, made the cover of Time magazine last week and changed the debate over the country’s military…

We’re backing the brutes in Afghanistan

Don’t believe anything our leaders say about Afghanistan. Most of the corporate press are too invested/complicit in this debacle, too: There has been much discussion, as well as misunderstanding, of the Time magazine cover photo of the Afghan woman who had her nose cut off by the Taliban. The purported object lesson is clear: If…

We left Iraq devastated

My friend Mike Otterman, with whom I recently spoke in New York about Iraq and Palestine, has a piece in the Christian Science Monitor on Iraqi refugees, the silent victims of our devastating war: Bombs still detonate and Iraqi political factions remain deadlocked, but American pundits and politicians have vied to take credit for US…

Who needs gender equality in Saudi?

A proud ally of America and Australia: Saudi Arabia is keeping up with the times, and blogger Eman Al Nafjan tells us how. Did you know that Saudi Arabia has a service in place where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a text message to a male guardian every time a “dependent” leaves the country?…

Pentagon slashing needs to go to its heart

The debate over cuts in the Pentagon is almost comical. America’s empire footprint remains massive and there are no serious plans to reduce Washington’s meddling in the Middle East or beyond. That’s what matters in the end and how the world views the super-power. More than a few generals need to be axed. It’s a…

A little Wikileaks backlash (but missing the real target)

So it begins. The Pentagon warns Wikileaks not to release any more information, as the group is now threatening. Not something to be taken seriously, considering the source. Then there’s Reporters Without Borders issuing an open letter to Julian Asssange asking him to be far more careful in the future when releasing information and not…

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