How much are some Zionists getting paid to promote Israel?

Former New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges gave these remarks Thursday night in New York City at a fundraiser for sponsoring a US boat to break the blockade of Gaza: When I lived in Jerusalem I had a friend who confided in me that as a college student in the United States she attended events…

Shutting Wikileaks is almost pointless now

A clear sign that Wikileaks is feared and will remain so. If Wikileaks is shut down, rest assured rivals will land and take its place. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle: The Obama administration has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider criminal charges against Julian Assange for his…

Do Australian leaders care about anything beyond our borders?

Although this piece in the International Herald Tribune is written by “Jacob Ramsay, a senior analyst at an independent risk consulting firm”- the publication really needs to tell readers far more about their contributors than this – his point about the Australian election campaign and the absence of foreign affairs issues is spot-on. It’s as…

Why would a man leak to Wikileaks?

The alleged leaker of information to Wiklieaks, American Bradley Manning, is given a profile in the New York Times. He’s portrayed as lonely, confused, gay, anxious and desperate for attention: And as he faces the possibility of a lifetime in prison, some of Private Manning’s remarks now seem somewhat prophetic. “I wouldn’t mind going to…

Iraq may be like Lebanon, if US and Israel have their way

When failure is your middle name, why not copy the masters? The US may be using Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon as a model for its supposed draw-down in Iraq. In other words, expect America to hassle and monitor Iraq for years to come, violating Iraqi sovereignty. Like Israel does in Lebanon.

Obama’s ongoing gulag at Gitmo

A journalist from the UK Independent writes about arriving in Guantanamo Bay for the trial of Omar Khadr. I like this quote from Clive Stafford Smith, legal director of the London-based human rights group Reprieve: I have met Omar at Guantanamo – he was a child and still had the scars from the injuries he…

Judt could see past Zionist tribalism

The death of Tony Judt is a monumental loss and the New York Times obituary provides a wonderful quote that beautifully captures his inspiring journey: His views on Israel made Mr. Judt an increasingly polarizing figure. He placed himself in the midst of a bitter debate when, in 2003, he outlined a one-state solution to…

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