Why should Iran bow to America when it’s treated like a dog?

Nobody reads the New York Times without their irony gene being firmly removed. Here’s today’s editorial on Iran and the Obama administration. It wonders what Washington is really offering Tehran to somehow induce the Islamic Republic back into polite company but the tone is one of hectoring; “we” have the right to bully Iran. Australia…

Iraqis hate us because we abuse and kill them

Before the Afghan war logs, Wikileaks released the “Collateral Murder” video. The Nation provides an exclusive that details the casual brutality dished out by the US to average Iraqis. No wonder the insurgency continues to rage: One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers.…

Giant Tony Judt passes

Leading intellectual Tony Judt just died. A monumental loss for the world, for provokers everywhere, for anybody who believes that challenging accepted “truths” is both necessary and invaluable to improve our democracy. Mondoweiss: We’ve heard that Tony Judt died today, the historian and writer/speaker, after a long illness, ALS. A giant, is all I can…

Jews love to accuse people of anti-Semitism (makes them feel good)

Too many Jews are too quick to accuse people of anti-Semitism for simply discussing Israel, occupation or Jewish power. Oliver Stone was recently accused by the Zionist lobby of anti-Semitism for talking about the lobby and Israel’s awful effect on US foreign policy. It wasn’t anti-Semitism but the usual suspects started bleating. Crying wolf is…

Hastings on journalism his own way

Journalist Michael Hastings – the kind of journalist who doesn’t use military embeds simply to support the US military – speaks to Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on why he’s been refused another embed in Afghanistan. Interesting insights into the tricky role of an independent reporter who wants to understand the workings of the US war machine.

Americans can’t get regular buses or schools

A nation the world is supposed to admire: Plenty of businesses and governments furloughed workers this year, but Hawaii went further — it furloughed its schoolchildren. Public schools across the state closed on 17 Fridays during the past school year to save money, giving students the shortest academic year in the nation and sending working…

Handy reminder of US war goals

A beacon to the world, supposedly: Four of the nation’s most highly valued terrorist prisoners were secretly moved to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2003, years earlier than has been disclosed, then whisked back into overseas prisons before the Supreme Court could give them access to lawyers, The Associated Press has learned. The transfer allowed the…

Another US Jew wondering why her people occupy Arabs

Emily Henochowicz, the American Jew who lost her eye from a Israeli tear gas canister in May, tells her story for the first time in a TV broadcast on Democracy Now! These stories are moving because they represent the growing numbers of American Jews questioning the Zionist state.

War with Iran may have to wait a few more minutes

Leading American Zionist and hawk Jeffrey Goldberg is upset in his meeting with Barack Obama that the US President wasn’t more threatening towards Iran. Diplomacy will supposedly fail, we’re told, despite the fact that Washington has its foot on Tehran’s face.

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