The American media and race relations on crack, smoked by Rupert

The parallel universe known as the American media. Trumped-up stories, white paranoia, Fox News inflaming and utterly devoid of true meaning. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow offers a few thoughts (and being here in New York at the moment it’s almost comical how little serious news is reported by the major TV networks, except for faux scandals):…

Ahmadinejad wants a good bombing campaign

The ongoing guessing game over America bombing Iran. Steve Clemons claims it’s highly unlikely that Barack Obama will order a strike against Tehran, a god-send for the mullahs. As for Israel launching a strike, that’s maybe another story.

Israel should be for Jews, mainly

In a New York Jewish newspaper Forward editorial on Israel’s attempt to exclude non-Orthodox converted Jews from full acceptance in Israel – and note the Jewish Diaspora’s outrage over this issue but little care about the millions of Palestinians who can’t exercise their legitimate right of return – see how Zionists view their holy land:…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

Slamming Islam isn’t just encouraged, it’s praised

This is from a major political leader in the US, a growing trend of open bigotry towards Muslims and likely to lead to growing schisms between the faith and wider community: There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The…

How Jewish are most anti-Zionists?

An interesting report in Tablet on a recent conference of the first major meeting of the US-based International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network. Whereas in the past, many anti-Zionists were soundly secular, today a growing number of non-Zionists are proudly religious but condemn the actions of the Jewish state.

America is staying in Iraq for a very long time

Being here in America one barely hears about Iraq. War? What war? Washington is drawing down troops next year, the public is told, so the conflict is basically over. Shame about the ongoing violence. And continuing occupation, under a new name: Can diplomats field their own army? The State Department is laying plans to do…

Tell us how Israel really helps the US

Chas Freeman was defeated by the Zionist lobby last year after the Obama administration tried to install him as chair of the National Intelligence Council. He wasn’t sufficiently pro-Israel, so they said. He’s given a speech this week at the Nixon Centre that continues the ongoing public debate about what Israel really offers Washington: It’s…

Interview with New York’s Indypendent on Palestine, peace, BDS and the MSM

Here’s my interview published today by a leading New York publication, The Indypendent. It was conducted by wonderful young journalist Alex Kane: With “peace talks” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel seeming more and more like a dead end, many people around the world, including dissident Jewish voices, are turning to grassroots activism to pressure…

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